
Posts Tagged ‘music’

New Beginnings

I realized recently that it’s been almost 3 years since Greg, Ralph and I (and a bunch of other amazing folks) finished our album. THREE YEARS! (That’s a long time, but it feels like it flew by in a heartbeat.) Besides the release concert we held at Sun Hills, I’ve done a fat lot of nothing, at least music-wise. I mean, I participated in the Ignition showcase (got some industry feedback – apparently I’m like a young Debbie Gibson. not exactly what I was going for.) and spent about a year searching for accompaniment musicians so I could do some local shows (this was a halfhearted effort, at best), but really, I sunk a year (+) of my life into collaborating, recording, and releasing an album that meant a LOT to me… and then just walked away from it.

That’s not to say that the last few years have been a waste – I bought a house, finished my construction management degree, got a promotion at work, fell in love and got married (highly recommend this part!!), and spent quite a bit of mental energy wrestling with why I’m so studiously avoiding God’s purpose for me when it comes to music. Seriously – it’s like when you’re in jr high, and you REALLY like this guy/girl, so of COURSE you act like they’re invisible and like you’re much too busy with all of your friends and activities, when in reality, you’re doodling their name on the inside cover of your trapper keeper (REALLY dating myself here!!), desperately, hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with them.  I’m doodling God’s name in my trapper keeper (true love), He calls to ask me out (opportunities to share His message through music falling from the sky), and I am too tongue-tied to form a coherent sentence so I tell my mom to take a message (making a bunch of lame excuses for why I can’t answer His “call” immediately).

[NOTE to reader: in case you haven’t already figured it out, I use WAY too many over-the-top analogies, emphatic statements, smiley faces, comma clauses and parenthetical statements. I also use way too many words to make simple statements. It’s a vice of mine. You may want to get used to it.]

Here’s the back story: I’ve spent a lifetime deeply involved in music ministry at church, loving every second of it, joyfully living life with Christ, but at some point I got burned out (on music, not on God!).  After a lot of thought and prayer, I’ve come to the conclusion that I didn’t overload on music – I lost my focus on God.  My core belief in Him has never wavered, but I (without even realizing it) got too busy to study, fellowship, and just BE with Him, and I gradually became just an empty shell person who knew all the right moves.  Maybe you can relate?? Or not. Either way.

So at this point, I’ve decided it’s time for a new beginning. I don’t want to be an empty shell person anymore. I’m going to chronicle my journey back to joyfulness and making joyful noises for the Lord, and hopefully you’ll enjoy reading about the successes and failures I experience along the way. I hope you’ll share your stories, too!

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